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Baby Massage Techniques

Baby Massage Techniques

You now know how the power of touch and massage can strengthen your bond and help your little one’s healthy development, but you may be wondering: How do I get started?

Here are some baby massage tips and techniques to help you prepare to safely and gently massage your baby, while making sure the moment means more.

NOTE: Don't massage your baby if he's sick or if he's just been immunized—the area of the injection may still be sore.

Choose a time when your baby is awake and alert, not too hungry or too full

Ensure the room is warm and lighting not too bright

Have what you need ready: oil, towel, clean diapers and clothes

Wash your hands and remove jewelry

Use a safe and comfortable place to do the massage and position your baby so that he can see your face clearly

Before starting, take time to relax with a few full breaths — this can help your baby relax too

Babies are different, changing all the time. For instance, young babies may feel more secure if most of their clothes are left on and they feel close to their parents’ body

Use a small amount of an appropriately formulated oil or lotion, like JOHNSON’S® baby oil. Use a small amount on your own hands — enough for your hands to glide comfortably over your baby’s skin.

It’s best not to apply oil or lotion to irritated or red skin. If a rash develops, discontinue use. Always read the label before using any products.

WARNING: Keep all products out of reach of children. Keep any baby oil out of children’s reach to avoid drinking and accidental inhalation, which can cause serious injury. Should breathing problems occur, consult a doctor immediately.

Through massage, you can gain increased awareness of how your baby communicates. You'll learn to read his likes, dislikes, desires and emotions. You'll learn the best time for cuddling, playing and relaxing. And your relationship will grow as you and your baby will discover what is best for you both.